I get it… if you’re like most financial advisers, you probably think cybercrime is this vague concept that isn’t overly relevant to you and your business.
As a former financial adviser, I thought the same thing until I learnt that financial services businesses are 300 times more likely to experience a cyberattack than other types of businesses. Now working closely with dozens of businesses, I can say with confidence that cybercrime in our industry is WAY more common than most people think. In the wild west of cybercrime, someone trying to steal your client data is less of a case of ‘if’ and more of a case of ‘when’.
Being educated is the first step to being in control and in this video, I share the three most common forms of cyber attacks targeting Financial Advisers at the moment and most importantly, what you and your team can do to prevent them.
Don’t be a case study at a future PD day. Know the risks, mitigate them strongly and protect your clients.